Thursday, 3 December 2015

Workout Tips for the Working Mom

Finding time can be the greatest challenge for working moms when it comes to getting an exercise routine started. Just figuring out how to squeeze in exercise time around after school activities, birthday parties and work demands could be daunting. You’re already drained just thinking about it.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

How to Stop Yelling at Your Kids

I never knew myself to be a loud person or a yeller… at least not until I had kids. I have since become a screaming banshee. I hear myself sometimes and it is very disturbing, not to mention unhealthy for my mental well-being.  Yet I swear the things these kids get up to from the time they wake up in the morning is enough to drive a person insane. Just the other night, I left my four year old in her room after she came out the shower for just a few minutes, I came back up stairs and there she was all the powder on the floor, yelling “look mom a snow angel” as she waved her arms lying buck-naked on the floor. Needless to say I failed to see the humour and lost it.  

What Working Moms Want for Christmas

All right ladies it’s that time of year again. I am sure you’re telling yourself “What? It’s December already?” Time flies when you’re busy juggling that many things. So you pull out your planner and start your Christmas list, which you told yourself last year you would have done by the beginning of November the next year.  Your mind starts to wonder about what you really want for yourself….

Tips for Managing Conflicts Between Your Kids

First, like with all conflicts it is important to keep you emotions out of it (I know, easier said than done sometimes). It does not help if your kids see you get emotional (angry, upset or sad) when addressing their conflicts.

Keeping your emotions in check is the best way to diffuse the situation. Instead, take the “it’s not a big deal” approach. Let’s be honest in most cases it isn’t.

Whenever possible allow your kids to solve/manage their own conflicts.

Remember later in life you won’t be around to manage their conflicts so give them the opportunity and the tools to start managing them on their own now.

Things to Consider when Hiring a Housekeeper

We all know how difficult it is keeping a place tidy with kids, a spouse and maybe a four-legged creature. It seems as though you’re in a bent over position from the time you enter the door to the time you get to bed, picking up toys, books, wrappers and clothes. Factor in a busy work schedule and things could really pile up around the house. Cleaning can become a real chore. Paying for housecleaning, if it can be squeezed into the budget can buy you not just a clean home but some much needed leisure time as well.

However let’s not put the cart before the horse, as there are a few things that should be considered before hiring someone to come into your home. These are…

Monday, 30 November 2015

Weeknight Chicken Chow Mein… In Under 25 minutes!

So you forgot to prep over the weekend and all left overs are gone. Have no fear this recipe is guaranteed to be one of your go to meals from now on. It is quick and easy and brimming with healthy vegetables. Not to mention only one pot to wash. Yay!

Parenting Tips for Working Moms:

For effective time management here are a few parenting tips:

1.   Set strict weekday and weekend bed times. This means also setting a hard stop to play time so kids can have ample time to clean up their play areas, take a shower and have dinner. Doing this sets expectations for kids and establishes a nighttime schedule.

There is a two-prong benefit to this. On one hand you are providing much needed structure for the kids that they will eventually adopt as their own and on the other hand it helps you as a working mom better manage your nighttime, which to most moms is the only free time you have.

2.   Another tip is to: Eliminate or reduce mealtime negotiations. By this I mean not to allow kids to negotiate what they eat at mealtime. Kids are neither dietitians nor nutritionists and as a result they do not know what’s best for them, we do.

As time management goes this allows you to plan meals with less fear that your kids will reject it. This eliminates or reduces the instances where you have to scramble to find an alternative meal.
I suggest if there is to be any negotiation, it should be done ahead of time and should only be restricted to sides and not the main course.

3.   Another nifty tool is an Events calendar. Kids usually have a full agenda that includes school events, sporting events, birthday parties and other miscellaneous activities. Planning ahead helps both to be prepared and reduce your own anxieties.

Planning helps to identify scheduling conflicts, preparation activities like shopping for birthday gifts or new swimwear for a swim meet and milestone events like final exams and graduation ceremonies.

These tips are great at establishing the structure all experts agree kids need and to aid in keeping Mommies stress levels at a minimum.

If this is helpful to you or you wish to share some of your parenting tips please drop a line in the comment box.