Tuesday, 17 November 2015

The Importance of Taking Time Out to Breathe

We all know the importance of relaxation - of taking time out, yet how many of us actually do it. We get so caught up in the daily hectic pace that few of us actually realise the serious mental and physical impact that too much stress and not enough relaxation can cause.  Failing to take time out to recharge, to relax can contribute to mental health problems like anxiety attacks, depression or worse heart attacks.

There are many positive ways to relax. One of the simplest ways is to BREATHE. For just 5-10 minutes out of your day close your eyes and breathe deeply in and out, concentrating on your breathing as you inhale and exhale through your nose. You can do this at you desk, at home, on your bed, even in the car before you step out to go to the office. 

Another technique is PAUSING. This just means to pause/stop whatever you are doing, look out the window, let your shoulders drop, stretch and allow your mind to calm down. When I am at my desk for too long, I simply bend over in my chair and let my arms and head fall between my legs. This allows you to release and stretch. 

  • Taking up a hobby
  • Aerobic exercise
  • Take a walk
  • Yoga
  • Eat with relaxation in mind
  • A warm bath
  • A massage
  • Watching a film or reading a book
  • Meet up with a friend


  1. This is so important..A few weeks ago I had to be rushed to hospital from work.. diagnosed with hypertention...There was so much going on ..my dad had passed away ..I'm a single Mom with two kids 10 and 7..work is high impact and we'll I'm a single Mom..oh yes I said that....the reality is that I was just doing...going along making everything happen but not taking time for myself my exercise programme was suffering so that also contributed... We really must take time for ourselves even if we feel we are handling everything because the body shuts down eventually...

    1. Jeanette, Thanks so much for sharing. Someone once told me that if you don't stop yourself your body will do it for you. We women have this idea that we have to do everything and as you say "make everything happen" but guess what...when you're body final yelled stop! Didn't things get done somehow? We need to simplify our lives and stop feeling guilty about saying no. Lord knows I heard no so many times growing up and I'm no worse off for it in fact it made me stronger and resourceful. Take good care of yourself.

    2. Arlene I think the key word is guilt. Guilt born from the unrealistic expectations/standards we set for ourselves. We can't be everything for everyone all the time. We are imperfect beings designed this way so we can learn from our failures. Don't be afraid to fail and for damn sure don't feel guilty when you do.

    3. So true. Guilt is heavy and clouds all the good you are in fact doing. Funny thing is society doesn't accommodate failure very well hence that drive for perfection I guess.

  2. I can tell when my body is telling me I need a time out. I realize that all of a sudden I'm getting upset for the smallest of things. I start feeling drained and I'm constantly tired. Then my brain starts shutting down and I realize that I can no longer think and in fact I start forgetting! And if things get really bad, I feel like screaming, just like that, out of the blue, wherever I am!!! Almost as if I am losing it and I think maybe I should check myself into St. Anns or go see a shrink!!! Yep, its at this time I realize that I need a woosah!

    So I take a two days and head to Tobago. Or I go for a massage. Or I head to the gym! All help to take away the stress and relax me. I feel rejuvenated and I can go again!!! Like the energizer bunny!!! Crazy what a little me time can do for me!!! :)

  3. Oh and I don't feel guilty at all!!! Cause I know I need it!
