Wednesday, 2 December 2015

What Working Moms Want for Christmas

All right ladies it’s that time of year again. I am sure you’re telling yourself “What? It’s December already?” Time flies when you’re busy juggling that many things. So you pull out your planner and start your Christmas list, which you told yourself last year you would have done by the beginning of November the next year.  Your mind starts to wonder about what you really want for yourself….
I have compiled my own list - a realistic one and wishful one. Feel free to send the realistic one out to your family and partners and keep the wish one to yourself. Or send out both... I dare you!

The realistic list:
1.     Babysitting coupons.  This you can cash in for a day of shopping, ladies night out, or just a much-needed break to watch TV or lay in bed… all day!
2.     Day Spa Certificate
3.     A personal chef/cook for a day or longer
4.     House cleaning service
5.     Gift certificate to your favourite clothing store
6.     Concierge services – grocery shopping, errands, housesitting, etc.
7.     Robotic vacuum
8.     A peaceful retreat by yourself whether it’s just a day or for a week.

The wish list:
1.     To take a shower or use the bathroom for at least five minutes without someone barging in.
2.     The ability to once again read a book or watch an entire television show without interruption.
3.     To stop repeating yourself.
4.     To stop repeating yourself.
6.     A vehicle free of pieces of dried food, wrappers and toys.
7.     To stop having to disguise vegetables in food.
8.     To cut the number of “Jesus Christ!” uttered throughout the day to a minimum of 10 times.
9.     To always be able to find a pen or pencil when you need it.
10. To slow down time.
11. To cook a meal…just once…that everyone in the household eats and enjoys, without stuff being picked out.
12. A live-in. Someone at hand to cook, clean and babysit… heaven!
13. A week of uninterrupted sleep.
14. Peace and goodwill… in the house for starters. No screaming, arguing or tantrums.

So what do you really want for Christmas?


  1. I Love This!!! It is so true but I asked for a laptop... fingers crossed

  2. Have you been naughty or nice? lol. I am sure you'll get it. Put it on the list.

  3. Love the list,. However, my kids are too old for babysitters. I would still love some old fashion me time. Most of all, a new job. I can pray.

  4. If you visualize it and put it out there, it will come. I want to try something new myself so I've started visualizing my new position.
