Saturday 24 October 2015

Keeping It Together

Hey Trini moms out there! Ever feel like running and screaming out the house? Where if you hear one more mommy, mom, mama....honey you'll lose it? Yeah...the life and times of us mothers/wives/business women. We wear many hats and juggle many balls in an effort to keep things running smoothly. Yet for many of us we still think we are not doing enough. We feel guilty taking even a half hour for ourselves because we know there is something else we could be doing. Yet in the long run no one really benefits when we run ourselves ragged. We don't get to truly enjoy our kids or partners cause we are constantly in motion and running on fumes. What they get is an irritable and tired person.

So let's change that. Let's slow down a bit. Starting now... take a nice deep breath... and exhale.

On this blog, information is shared on just about anything that might inspire and help working moms balance work and home life better.


  1. I think balance is the key. We need to put aside time to relax and rejuvenate so we can give of our best to those we love.

    1. Thanks Gail for your comment. Much appreciated.

  2. I really like the idea of this site. I think that maybe everyone, needs to be careful about our "have-to's" in life. "Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials." - Lin Yutang.

  3. Gosh!!! I often feel like I am losing my mind or failing miserably at growing the extra arms to get it all done... Nice to know I ain't the only one
